• Question: Do you believe that robots will rule the world at some point in the future?

    Asked by seem1mess on 12 Apr 2024. This question was also asked by them1dew, edge1tad.
    • Photo: Amber Villegas - Williamson

      Amber Villegas - Williamson answered on 12 Apr 2024:

      Interesting question. Will robots rule the world…….not sure. Probably not within my or even your lifetime but in the future who knows. Perhaps robots will colonise a whole planet and create their own society. If they did rule this planet what kind of society would we have? A better one? A worse one? More progressive future thinking one?… Very interesting question…..what do you think?

    • Photo: Angela Douglas

      Angela Douglas answered on 30 Apr 2024:

      Gosh that’s a difficult one but I doubt it. I think we can make great use of and learn to live with robots to really help us live more happily, well and do less damage to our planet. AI is definitely a topic of lots of debate right know. Your generation will grown up with AI development and robotics.

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 7 Jun 2024:

      It would all depend on our definition of “rule” and “robots”. I know when my smart watch notifies me I haven’t moved for a bit I tend to get up move about for a bit and I could probably survive 2 days max without my phone. Maybe in the future with an AI that we trusted and believed it was for the greater good but I don’t think it would match any of the science fiction films I’ve seen.

      I do believe they have some claim to Mars though as robots are the only known population on the planet.

    • Photo: David Bremner

      David Bremner answered on 1 Jul 2024:

      Probably not in my lifetime, after that then who knows. With the advancement in technologies in the last 50 years, anything is possible.
