• Question: why do people have a c-section

    Asked by edge1ebb to Simone, scottlake, Mary C, Kathleen D, Isabelle S, helencodd, Heidi B, Hannah, Courtney P on 7 May 2024.
    • Photo: Helen Codd

      Helen Codd answered on 7 May 2024:

      There are quite a few different reasons that a pregnant person would have a c-section. Sometimes is because of an emergency. For example, the baby is in distress (not getting enough oxygen) and needs to be delivered immediately. Sometimes they are planned, if the baby isn’t in the right position for normal delivery (normally babies come out head first), then a c-section is a safer way to deliver the baby rather than delivering the baby feet first (called breech position). Sometimes pregnant people want a c-section for non-medical reasons and that is their choice.
