• Question: Whats at the bottom of the ocean?

    Asked by dawn1nun on 12 Apr 2024.
    • Photo: Anton Edwards

      Anton Edwards answered on 12 Apr 2024:

      The bottom of the deep ocean is mainly mud. Very few dead fish or other animals produced near the surface of the sea reach the bottom of the deep ocean because things eat them as they fall. So there are a few very special creatures that live at the bottom who have to find the occasional bits of food that reach the bottom.

      In shallower waters the tides and other currents move the fine mud around so that it sometimes moves away, leaving sand and stones. These shallower bottoms can have many living things that feed on the life in the shallow water.

    • Photo: Tamsin Dobson

      Tamsin Dobson answered on 25 Jun 2024:

      It does depend on what you mean by ā€œbottomā€.

      At the bottom of the deep ocean , there is very little (if any) light, the temperature is too low to support much life and even dead animal detritus is absorbed before it reaches the deep depths.

      However, in shallower seas where some light penetrates to the bottom, there may be hydrothermal vents, salt lakes (yes, salt lakes inside the ocean) where some specialist animals can exist (such as the famous vent worms and crabs!). These ecosystems can be complex and really interesting!!!

      Most of the o ram bottom is devoid of life, but in some areas you might find pockets of life surrounding (for example) a dead whales body or shipwreck etc.

      As we get shallower, you could see kelp forests or coral reefs or rocky outcrops or sandy bottoms etc And, closer to land, more evidence of human life (shipwrecks, plastic pollution etc) too (sadly).

      Itā€™s really varied in the ocean!
