Question: What is the most impressive thing you have seen during all of your time working being a scientist?
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Asked by much1doby to qasimhussain, Nijantha_Kirupakaran, DrLukeF, laurenrickerby, Carmen, Anna S on 9 Jul 2024.Question: What is the most impressive thing you have seen during all of your time working being a scientist?
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Andrew M commented on :
Walking into the main hall at the ISIS neutron source at RAL was pretty impressive – big science but not so big nor so underground that you can’t see it all. The most impressive, though not exactly ideal, was coming to work one morning to see the recording of one of our 4m high calcination ovens experience rapid unplanned disassembly with enough enthusiasm to disassemble a second 4m oven nearby. Several safety systems had failed and there was some unconsidered chemistry. It was certainly impressive.
sandrarobertson commented on :
The most impressive thing I feel I have seen is not something you can touch or hold, but the way colleagues and businesses across science came together in the fight against the Covid-19 Virus. We all had one common goal of trying to find where it was coming from, why and how it was spreading, why were some people more vulnerable then others and what we could do to try and help stop it. It was all a bit crazy at the time, with long hours and not seeing our families, but it was also exciting to be a part of something which had so much impact on everyone’s lives. It was really powerful to be a part of something which may never happen again (hopefully) on the same scale in my lifetime.