• Question: what inspired you

    Asked by jury499tub on 1 Feb 2024. This question was also asked by hewn499tub, name499tub, nans499age, fund1omen.
    • Photo: Erin Pallott

      Erin Pallott answered on 1 Feb 2024:

      My grandad was an engineer and always paid attention to my school work. He would help me with science projects, and help me find answers.
      His support encouraged me that I could go far! I didn’t go for engineering, but I am now doing a PhD!

    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 1 Feb 2024:

      I was really luck to have two teachers at primary school who were science graduates and made science fun. I was already generally interested in how things worked and often took them apart and put them back together. So this sort of pushed all the right buttons with me.

    • Photo: Bruno Silvester Lopes

      Bruno Silvester Lopes answered on 1 Feb 2024:

      My only inspiration is Barbara McClintock. She is an American scientist and cytogeneticist. She remains the only woman who has received an unshared Nobel Prize in physiology for discovering jumping genes (yes, you heard it right…there are genes in humans as well as in bacteria that can jump around, this can lead to for instance, increase in antibiotic resistance)

    • Photo: David Bremner

      David Bremner answered on 2 Feb 2024:

      My biology teacher at school was a really nice person who cared about all his students and taught the subject in a way that you were learning but having fun too.
      I always had an interest in science anyway so when the chance came to start working at a place where the science had the potential to help people then it was win/win.

    • Photo: Alexander De Bruin

      Alexander De Bruin answered on 2 Feb 2024:

      I’ve been lucky enough to have several inspirations throughout my life! My granny inspired me to love learning, my parents inspired me to follow my passions, my a-level chemistry teacher inspired me to pursue a career in science, my university supervisor inspired me to look at both the detail and the big picture, and my wife (a science teacher) inspires me to reach out to the next generation of scientists and engineers to share my passion

    • Photo: Chigozie Onuba

      Chigozie Onuba answered on 2 Feb 2024:

      My parents inspired me the most as they got to the top of their careers, and I am grateful for all they have done for me including the encouragement to always go for what I want and achieve my goals.

      Followed by Two of my Professors when I was at Uni

    • Photo: Rachel Edwards

      Rachel Edwards answered on 2 Feb 2024:

      I had a physics teacher who was really enthusiastic, and organised lots of trips to different places, like Dinorwig hydroelectric power station, and Sellafield. It was really good seeing physics in action.

      Then of course I was also inspired by Star Trek – seeing science, scientists and engineering being important and listened to, and being diverse, was really great.

    • Photo: Sharron Kenny

      Sharron Kenny answered on 5 Feb 2024:

      i had the most scary science teacher at A-level, think professor snape. but he pushed my learning and made me think in ways i didnt realise was possible about science. i learned to love it. rather like snape loved potions. it became my passion because it was his passion and it was infectious the enthusiasm and love for the subject he had. even if he was a hard task master and quite a scary guy.

      i wish i could find him now and go back and say thank you

    • Photo: Festus Ejikemeuwa

      Festus Ejikemeuwa answered on 5 Feb 2024:

      I was inspired by my Physics teacher who was exceptional in breaking down what science is all about.

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 5 Feb 2024:

      I think I’m mostly inspired by curiosity. I want to know all sorts of things and I always have more questions about the world around us, so I had to become a scientist just to get some answers!

      As a science communicator, I’m inspired by seeing people who are interested and want to learn. I love it when people learn something really new and cool and I can see how amazed they are!

    • Photo: Sophie Spinks

      Sophie Spinks answered on 6 Feb 2024:

      I was inspired by my brother. He was the first person in my family to go to university and was always talking about what he had learned. He was so enthusiastic about science and this peaked my interest. It made me go away and read about different things and pay more attention in my science lessons.

    • Photo: Viviene Dela Cruz

      Viviene Dela Cruz answered on 7 Feb 2024:

      Before going to college, I really wanted to help the people in Philippines because there were lots of safety issues regarding electricity (and many of the places I lived close to were almost always flooded–electricity + water is a recipe for disaster!). So I took Electrical and Electronic Engineering at uni and before I graduated I became a laser scientist ! 🙂

    • Photo: Kirsty Ross

      Kirsty Ross answered on 8 Feb 2024:

      My dad and my grandad on my mum’s side. They always encouraged me, even if they didn’t understand why I wanted to do what I wanted to do.
