• Question: Were you interested in science in Primary or Secondary school?

    Asked by grey1kart to Sarah, DrBecks, Margaret L, Maike, Kim NG, Geofrey, Philippa H, sametsahin on 22 May 2024. This question was also asked by Eryn, Taylac.
    • Photo: Rebecca von Hellfeld

      Rebecca von Hellfeld answered on 22 May 2024:

      I was always sort of interested in it, but never good. I was quite bad a chemistry and physics, but quite liked biology. I think if I had paid attention more, I would have been better at it in school, but i still made it 🙂

    • Photo: Samet Sahin

      Samet Sahin answered on 24 Jun 2024:

      I think I wasn’t aware of it very much in primary school. But later on, it slowly grew on me and I didn’t even realise. I have found my potential in science much later in life. This is one of the reasons that I want to talk with young people about STEM subjects. I would like to provide the best information I can about STEM so young students can realise their potential and whether science is for them.

    • Photo: Sarah Weeden

      Sarah Weeden answered on 13 Jul 2024:

      Yes, I was interested in science from a young age. A lot of my family were biologists, when I had the choice I chose not to do biology but now use it as part of my job.
