• Question: if i eat a glow stick do i glow

    Asked by test1gem on 26 Apr 2024.
    • Photo: Mahmud Juned

      Mahmud Juned answered on 26 Apr 2024:

      I do not recommend eating a glow stick, I’m pretty sure they are toxic and specifically tell you not to eat them.

    • Photo: Heather Walton

      Heather Walton answered on 27 Jun 2024:

      I don’t think so – the glowing part of the glow stick is the liquid inside, so if you ate it and chewed then that would get in your mouth and then be swallowed and in your stomach – you can’t see things that are in your stomach, so the only part of you that would glow would maybe be your teeth, but only until you brushed them. Overall I think it would most likely make you sick!
