• Question: how do you make glasses

    Asked by maysr005.211 on 27 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Heather Walton

      Heather Walton answered on 27 Jun 2024:

      The important part of glasses are the lenses. Lenses are made from pieces of material which let light through, but bend it slightly so that the light goes in a different direction coming out of the lens than when it went in. For example, I am short sighted which means that naturally my eyes bend the light too far inwards, so I need glasses that bend the light out a bit to make up for that.
      Different materials and different shapes will change how the lens bends the light, so the material and the shape you make glasses with are both important, you have to get the right combination so that it bends the light correctly. Old glasses were made with glass, giving them their name, but nowadays we use plastics instead because they are better at bending light, meaning you can use less plastic than glass to achieve the same effect, and the things you carry on your face can be lighter. And less easy to scratch!
