• Question: Do u eat pork? if not r u vegaterian.

    Asked by JumpingPanda296 on 26 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Giulia Pelos

      Giulia Pelos answered on 26 Jun 2024:

      I am not completely vegetarian yet, but I am trying to eat less meat in my diet but I still eat chicken once every two-week and pork or beef once a month. I am reducing the amount of meat I eat to lower my carbon footprint.

    • Photo: Zoe Vance

      Zoe Vance answered on 5 Jul 2024:

      I do eat pork, but not very often. Much the same as Giulia, I’m trying to cut most meat out of my diet for climate reasons, and pork is probably my least favourite so I have it quite rarely.

    • Photo: Tina-Jaine Haigh

      Tina-Jaine Haigh answered on 10 Jul 2024:

      I like pork, and other meat and fish, and I’m not a vegetarian.

    • Photo: Ruth Pegington

      Ruth Pegington answered on 16 Jul 2024:

      I’m not a massive fan of pork; I prefer fish to be honest. I used to be vegetarian but I started eating some meat to stop myself becoming very anemic (low iron) and feeling unwell.
      I still have low iron but it’s better than it was.
