• Question: Because you develop software for the nuclear industry if there was a nuclear bomb that was released what would happen to the earth and would earth crumble into space?

    Asked by cat_lover3000 to Caroline on 9 Jul 2024.
    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 9 Jul 2024:

      The worlds first nuclear explosion happened in 1945, since then over 2000 nuclear explosions have occurred. Only two of which were used during a war, which caused devastating destruction and long term health issues.
      The average power for a bomb now is about 100-170 kilotons (though there are some much larger) – these could affect most of London. So as long as you weren’t nearby, you could survive a nuclear blast with limited injury though the after affects such as radiation could cause you issues. There is a website called NukeMap that plots out the known nuclear bombs on your chosen location so you can see the effects of the blast radius and fallout.

      If you spread out all the current nuclear bombs (only about 12,000) around the world and detonated around the same time, you could destroy all life but the earth itself would probably survive though as a dead planet.
      You might be able to destroy the earth but it would take a lot of power and set off at a depth that could destroy the earths core so that it would all crumble.
