• Question: what is biomedical science

    Asked by derm1tad on 23 Feb 2024.
    • Photo: Tia Fletcher

      Tia Fletcher answered on 23 Feb 2024:

      Biomedical Science normally refers to scientists who work in specialised areas in the NHS. These areas include: haematology (running blood tests), microbiology (growing germs!) and histology (making microscope slides from human tissue, this includes things like looking at cancer under the microscope).

    • Photo: Emma Weir

      Emma Weir answered on 23 Feb 2024:

      Studying biomedical science is all about looking at how the human body works in health and disease. So during a biomed degree you learning things about cell biology and pathways, anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, genetics, immunology etc

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 24 Apr 2024:

      That’s a really broad question! Biomedical science covers a lot of different disciplines – all of the ones Tia and Emma mentioned and many more. (For instance, I did medical molecular biology, which was a sort of crossover of genetics and biochemistry, and that fell under the umbrella of biomedical sciences.)

      You could take a look at the Institute of Biomedical Science website if you’d like to learn more:

    • Photo: Hannah Scholes

      Hannah Scholes answered on 4 Jun 2024:

      Biomedical Science is a really broad subject, but essentially it’s using science to help the doctors/nurses/medical teams figure out why people aren’t well, and how to make them better.
      There are lots of different areas which all look at lots of different things; haematology looks at the cells which make up your blood, biochemistry looks at the chemicals and nutrients which are carried around in the liquid part of your blood (plasma), microbiology grows bugs and germs and can help work out which antibiotics to give you, and histology looks at human tissue under the microscope to look for things like cancer. There is also blood transfusion which can give you blood, or different parts of blood depending on what you might need e.g. red cells, plasma, or platelets, or certain “factors” which can help your blood to clot if you don’t have enough of them.
