- HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A SHARK IF YES WHICH ONE? by much499fays to Calum Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
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- Have you got a favourite out of all your pets? by made1eras Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
- how do you know your hungry by case499crow and 1 other. to Wasseem, veronicapapini, Rebecca R, louiseroberts, David B, Annabelle S Comments: (No comments so far )
- What genes do you take from your parents? by jazz499food to Sophie, NickD, Louisse M, Lisa M, Lisa, georgiacanton, Courtney P, Carmen, Adriana F Comments: (No comments so far )
- why do we need food to live by gave499crow to veronicapapini, Rebecca R, David B, Caroline, auroravilardi, Annabelle S Comments: (No comments so far )
- how did humman get toes by case499crow to Paul O, Michael S, Michael C, Lisa M, Isabelle S Comments: (No comments so far )
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- why is it so cold at the top of a mountain when its closer to the sun??? by data499crow to Pete Webb, Martin M, Lauren G, Daniel E, Andrew L Comments: (No comments so far )
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