Asked by indiee on 30 Apr 2024. This question was also asked by anon-406005, anon-406847, anon-406935.
Sophie Shaw answered on 30 Apr 2024:
I really enjoyed the creative subjects like music and resistant materials! Lots of the concepts and ideas from these subjects are actually super useful now that I work in science!
Kirsty Lindsay answered on 17 May 2024:
I liked lots of things for different reasons- science, because it was interesting, PE when it was outside, drama to be creative…..
Calum Cunningham answered on 27 Jun 2024:
PE was definitely my favourite, as it was the most fun. I still enjoyed science and maths, but for me playing football always beat sitting in a classroom!
Georgia Brittain answered on 3 Jul 2024:
My favourite subject I did in school was always science – specifically Chemistry. However, I did a fair range of subjects which I also enjoyed including Art, ICT, BTEC Sport and History.
David Bremner answered on 4 Jul 2024:
Biology and home economics which comes in handy for my work today which is looking at biological effects of foods and diets.
Amber Villegas - Williamson answered on 9 Jul 2024:
I absolutely loved Chemistry but this was because I had an amazing teacher. Though honestly I really liked school and learning. I wish that when I was younger that YouTube had existed and all the free online courses as I would have done so many things extra to school work.
When you enjoy learning and the process all the school work becomes so much easier. -
Ravindu Ranaweera answered on 9 Jul 2024:
I enjoyed Physics and Maths. Maths mainly because there was less reading and remembering!
Ruth Pegington answered on 16 Jul 2024:
Maths! I’d have done more with maths if I was aware of the career possibilities it held. At the time, we were told you could be 1) accountant 2) maths teacher and I didn’t fancy either of those.
I’ve since met people in very diverse roles who studied maths. If I had time to do another degree, that would be it!
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Andrew M commented on :
The two things I enjoyed most were perhaps geology and economics.
Geology I only did as a short course, not an examinable subject, so when it came to choosing subjects for university I worried that I didn’t know enough of the subject to know if I would enjoy it.
Economics I studied for 3 years. It just kind of made sense. Converting the quantum chaos of humanity into something that could be treated in ways resembling classical mechanics, even if it did mean considering people less as people and more as consuming units! Plus it was useful practice in writing great circular essays that said nothing, predicted nothing and meant nothing but were certain, at some point, to confirm the prejudice of the consuming unit who asked for the essay, even if then immediately refuted the same. You could get very cynical doing Economics.
Martha commented on :
I enjoyed mathematics . I do not know why but it was easy for me to work around with figures
David B commented on :
Home economics and Biology so it is no surprise that ive made a career out of foods and diets that people eat and how it impacts on the body!