• Question: What is the scariest mutation you have researched/ heard about?

    Asked by anon-382877 on 7 May 2024.
    • Photo: Zoe Vance

      Zoe Vance answered on 7 May 2024:

      I don’t really do the kind of work that focuses on specific mutations, but I do find p53 mutations quite scary as a concept! p53 is a protein that’s extremely important in keeping your cells in check so that they don’t multiply out of control and create a tumour; it’s mutated so that it loses some function in I think almost half of all tumours? Scary to think that a single protein is so important!

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 27 Jun 2024:

      I don’t think I can choose one scariest mutation, but there are a lot that can be quite devastating because they stop your body from working in the ways it’s supposed to. Zoe’s example of p53 is one. Others might be mutations that make your immune system not work properly or stop your blood from being able to carry enough oxygen. A lot of things can go wrong – but, luckily, our bodies have amazing repair mechanisms that fix most of the mutations we encounter!
