• Question: What is a life cycle of a ant

    Asked by anon-379600 to Georgia L, Callum T on 6 Feb 2024.
    • Photo: Georgia Lambert

      Georgia Lambert answered on 6 Feb 2024:

      Ants are a very interesting type of animal because different ants have different jobs within the colony. For example, there is a queen (just like in bees) whose only job is to lay all the eggs and there are workers who will not lay any eggs themselves but will generally look after the colony and the queen. This means that the lifecycle of an ant depends a little on what type of ant you are talking about! All ants begin as eggs, the eggs then hatch to produce larvae, the larvae have stages of development between which they get bigger and molt, they then become a pupa which is when a larva develops into an adult ant through a process called metamorphosis. The rest of their lives then depend on which job they have 🐜
