• Question: what do you think is the smartest piece of AI?

    Asked by DaBestPersonEvaaaa to Neil B on 3 Jul 2024.
    • Photo: Neil Barnby

      Neil Barnby answered on 3 Jul 2024:

      AI in itself is not actually ‘smart’ as AI doesn’t think in a true sense of the word. AI uses mathematical algorithms to recognise patterns. Each algorithm is best at a specific task and some AI uses several algorithms working together. So modern AI is good at performing the task it was designed for is only good at that task. Smartness would be being good at a range of tasks. Think of it like this: If someone was on a quiz and could answer ALL the sports questions correctly but not the science, nature, literature or film and TV questions, would they be considered smart? Probably not. However if someone could answer say 90%+ of questions across the whole range of subjects, they probably would be considered smart.
      In AI terms the first person would be called Narrow AI, which is all the AI we have now and the second person would be called AGI or Artificial General Intelligence, which we don’t have yet. So there is no smartest AI, as a quiz person who can answer ALL sports questions and nothing else is as smart as a person who can answer ALL literature questions and nothing else.
