• Question: what do you do n you spare time

    Asked by than499bed on 20 Feb 2024. This question was also asked by seat1shh, gracie simpson, samh.
    • Photo: Erin Pallott

      Erin Pallott answered on 20 Feb 2024:

      I go to the gym and do weightlifting, go to a heels dance class, and play video games.
      On weekends I go out to gigs and clubs and dance around to metal, emo and goth music. I like almost anywhere that plays music different to the norm.

    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 20 Feb 2024:

      I read a lot… I’m a bit of a SF addict and am continually expanding my library of SF books. I read Dune when I was in my first year at high school. I often listen to music when reading… mainly progressive rock… Pink Floyd, ELP, Mogwai and others. But sometimes when I’m relaxing I think about problems I need to solve at work.

    • Photo: Isabelle Secord

      Isabelle Secord answered on 20 Feb 2024:

      In my spare time I like to walk my dog but I have also recently got into the sport of Archery! At university there are lots of opportunities to try new sports and join clubs and societies. In the second year of my degree, I joined the archery club and I had the opportunity to go to four competitions to represent my team! I did not win but I did come 17th 🏹😂

    • Photo: David McGonigle

      David McGonigle answered on 21 Feb 2024:

      …quick answer, less than I used to! I still love live music, though, and try to see new bands if I can. I also like cooking: I find it very soothing to follow a recipe and produce something that is finished and ready to eat at the end of an hour or so! Unlike the looooooonnnnnnngg time it can take to plan, collect, analyse and publish my work…

    • Photo: Rachel Edwards

      Rachel Edwards answered on 21 Feb 2024:

      Right now I don’t have much spare time – but that’s because I have two small kids! When I’m not working or parenting, I love juggling, and I also love making things. I’m really into sewing at the moment. I spent a long time doing jewellery making (mostly using everyday objects like paperclips), which then was a real benefit when I took one science job where I had to make small fiddly sensors with wire!

    • Photo: Paul Laurance-Young

      Paul Laurance-Young answered on 21 Feb 2024:

      Cooking – I love cooking curries and southern fried chicken – not together obviously, that would be weird..
      I also play games, read a book, walk the dog and do archery.

    • Photo: Estela Gonzalez Fernandez

      Estela Gonzalez Fernandez answered on 23 Feb 2024:

      I mainly go to the gym and I also attend an outdoor fitness class. Some weekends I compete at sport events (running or other sports). Oh! And I am also studying to be a Personal Trainer

    • Photo: Alexander De Bruin

      Alexander De Bruin answered on 26 Feb 2024:

      I do rock climbing and sing with or conduct choirs. I also judge singing competitions!

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 26 Feb 2024:

      All sorts of things! I like to go hiking and cycling (which look a little different for me because I use a wheelchair), write, read, walk or play with my dog, go canoeing or camping (in the summer), or play games (I like board games and video games).

    • Photo: Mark Ridgill

      Mark Ridgill answered on 13 Mar 2024:

      I played basketball competitively for years but now I’ve switched to golf and gardening

    • Photo: Sharron Kenny

      Sharron Kenny answered on 4 Apr 2024:

      i love to read. i also quite like baking cakes. i help out on the farm at home that eats most of my free time to be honest.

    • Photo: Samet Sahin

      Samet Sahin answered on 24 Jun 2024:

      I love sports so I work out regularly. Recently, I have been playing badminton a lot. I try and run and walk to keep myself in good condition too. Apart from the sports bit, I also like video games 🙂
