• Question: is work easier out of school

    Asked by ameliag on 27 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Hayley Pincott

      Hayley Pincott answered on 27 Jun 2024:

      I prefer work to school. I didn’t have a good time at school so this is probably why I enjoy work. I personally find work easier simply because it’s a job that I enjoy so it doesn’t feel like work.

      There are lots of different ways to get into a job that you enjoy. You can obviously stay in school and do A-levels then go to University. However that doesn’t suit everyone and if, like me, you prefer to learn through actions and practical activities then you might consider apprenticeships or doing a course 1 day a week.

      I think a good starting point is seeing if you can get some work experience for a week. This way you can find out if the job you were thinking about is actually something you might enjoy.

    • Photo: Sandra Robertson

      Sandra Robertson answered on 4 Jul 2024:

      I’m not sure if work is easier than being at school, but it can be very different. You are expected to take more responsibility for your own actions and time keeping. So you have to learn to clean up after yourself, and keep your work area safe for not just yourself, but the other people you work with too. You don’t usually have someone else sorting things in the same way a teacher does in the classroom, so need to plan ahead for the materials and equipment your task will need for the day. Sometimes work can feel a little like being at school. You can still have reports to hand in by a set date. You can still get work handed back to you to correct if there are mistakes. You can still have new things to learn which have an exam at the end of them so you can show you have understood the topic. But if you find a job role you really enjoy, sometime work doesn’t feel like work, and you are being paid to do something you love.

    • Photo: Luke Fountain

      Luke Fountain answered on 9 Jul 2024:

      I also prefer work to school. The key is finding a job that you really enjoy, that’s when it can sometimes feel like you’re not actually working.

      Work is also hard though. As others have said, you have a lot more responsibilities than in school, both to yourself and others, and lots of things you do at school you still have to do as part of a job, like report writing, training, sometimes even tests – this is why these things are taught in school, even if they don’t seem important right now!

      Trying to get some work experience in the job you want would be a great way to find out if it’s right for you, as well as talking to other people who currently have the same or a similar job – they will be able to tell you what it’s really like to work in that job.
