• Question: did you study carl linnaus system

    Asked by anon-381890 on 26 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Erin Pallott

      Erin Pallott answered on 26 Jan 2024:

      I remember learning about it in school, but I’ve not studied it since then. It is amazing that people were attempting to classify ALL living things way before modern technology was developed.

    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 26 Jan 2024:

      I’m aware of this system but as I only studied biology at high school to year 2, and have not qualification in biology, it has never been something I’ve thought about!

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 26 Jan 2024:

      I did (and now I use that knowledge quite often)!

      I took classes in systematics, which is the science of how we define different groups of organisms and how they compare to one another. Carl Linnaeus actually invented the name “systematics.” In those classes, we had to learn all about how organisms are named, why they get the names they do, and what happens when we find out we were wrong and need to change their names – which happens more than you might think!

    • Photo: Zoe Vance

      Zoe Vance answered on 26 Jan 2024:

      I wouldn’t say I studied it, but most biologists will use a naming system following from his ideas. We still name things with a genus + species name (e.g. humans being Homo sapiens) and we still use the idea of taxonomic ranks. This basically refers to large categories for things that are then broken into smaller and smaller groups e.g. Eukaryotes > Animals > Mammals > Humans (though there are many more groupings in between these!). A lot of the groups Carl Linnaeus used are likely not used today because we know a lot more now about how living things are related because we can compare their DNA. This has changed how we think animals group together, for example we now know that whales group together with hippos and deer.

    • Photo: Megan Quartley

      Megan Quartley answered on 27 Jan 2024:

      I did briefly at school. With what I do now at work I never use it so I haven’t thought about it for a long time though!

    • Photo: Andrew Gore

      Andrew Gore answered on 28 Jan 2024:

      No. Not in my sphere of Enginering or Science.

    • Photo: Steve Markham

      Steve Markham answered on 28 Jan 2024:


    • Photo: David Bremner

      David Bremner answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      I’m aware of it but as my area is more anatomy or physiology of humans i am more likely to come across phylogenetic trees for classifying different bacteria’s within the gut.

    • Photo: Will Breeze

      Will Breeze answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      No, but I am aware of this system for determining taxa. I have studied, and now work in, the physical sciences; Chemistry and Engineering. I have not had to formally study biology in a long time. However, I do read popular and general science books recreationally- hence my passing familiarity with the Linnaean system.

      If you want a better or in depth answer, I would direct this question towards Zoologists and Biologists.

    • Photo: Sharron Kenny

      Sharron Kenny answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      yes – because my 1st degree was in biology alot of the themes i studied centered around living things. genera classification. genetics. evolution.

      it is something that still interests me today even though i work in chemistry now

    • Photo: Alexander De Bruin

      Alexander De Bruin answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      I did learn about it at school, but didn’t need it for studying chemistry and physics.

    • Photo: Festus Ejikemeuwa

      Festus Ejikemeuwa answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      I have heard of this system but I did not study it.

    • Photo: Laura Barker

      Laura Barker answered on 29 Jan 2024:


    • Photo: Tina-Jaine Haigh

      Tina-Jaine Haigh answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      I didn’t study this, as I didn’t do biology as far as GCSE. In my school they insisted we had to choose exactly 2 science subjects and exactly 2 humanities for our GCSEs. I chose physics and chemistry, and I went on to do physics at university. I feel it’s a shame I missed the chance to do more biology, as it’s really interesting. But I still have the chance to learn about new things even if it’s not part of a course, so I’ll have a read about Carl Linnaeus’s work.

    • Photo: Harriet Gamble

      Harriet Gamble answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      No I don’t think I did. My studies generally focused on physics, maths and engineering.

    • Photo: Liam Herringshaw

      Liam Herringshaw answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      Yes, I used it a lot at university, especially when I was doing my research work into strange early fossils. I didn’t know that much about it, but it’s a very interesting way of organizing life. Sadly, it’s less useful to me now as I mostly study fossil burrows, and you can’t really classify them in the same way.

    • Photo: Kirsty Ross

      Kirsty Ross answered on 29 Jan 2024:

      I did during uni but haven’t really used it since.

    • Photo: Penny Timpert

      Penny Timpert answered on 30 Jan 2024:

      I did study it at school and although I don’t use it directly now, the method of grouping things together is still really useful. We use taxonomy in computer systems to support Knowledge Management to help people find things.

    • Photo: Rodrigo Bammann

      Rodrigo Bammann answered on 31 Jan 2024:

      I did use it during my school and undergrad years. It was very interesting, and especially amazing considering that for a long time, people have been classifying living beings. I still use bits of it for funny animal facts/
