• Question: are dino nuggies made from dino meat

    Asked by anon-407221 to Michael S, Liam H, Calum on 12 Jul 2024.
    • Photo: Calum Cunningham

      Calum Cunningham answered on 12 Jul 2024:

      No, unless you count chickens as dinosaurs… Funnily enough, it’s widely believed that dinosaurs looked a lot more like chickens than first thought, as they may have been covered it feathers rather than reptilian skin!

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 12 Jul 2024:

      Not really… but sort of! The closest thing we have to meat from actual dinosaurs these days are a few molecules we can retrieve from very well-preserved fossils. Definitely not enough to make any nuggets!

      The meat in dino nuggies is usually from chickens, which are one of the modern descendants of dinosaurs. So your nuggets may not be made from dinosaurs, but they’re made from the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-(and so on)-grandchildren of dinosaurs!
