Question: what work would you suggest we do that would look best on personal statements?
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Martin McCoustra answered on 26 Apr 2024:
I’m admissions tutor for chemistry at my university. When I look at a personal statement, I’m looking for something that will make you stand out from the crowd. It may be some sort of part time work or volunteering activity. But equally well it could just be an interesting and unusual hobby. Basically, tell me something about you and don’t simply say that you’ve always liked the subject that you are making the UCAS application for.
Rebecca von Hellfeld answered on 3 May 2024:
Thats difficult. I am not very good at “selling myself” but I think that is one part of the personal statement that many miss out on. Write about why you are passionate about the subject you are applying for, give examples, talk about your strengths and why you really want to study. Maybe even something about what you hope to achieve in the future and that studying is the best first step into that direction.
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