• Question: You study bugs in particular and you have to love them to study them but if there is, is there any soft of bug that you don't like and if so, why?

    Asked by Sami to Sam R on 25 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Sam Rogerson

      Sam Rogerson answered on 25 Jun 2024:

      Good question! It is a tricky question for me as I do tend to love most bugs. That said, I would say that midgies (or other biting flies like a horse flies) are my most disliked bug. Mainly because I love to camp and be out in nature, and they always make life incredibly hard… That said – it’s important to recognise the role they play in nature an our ecosystem. Whilst they are annoying to us, they are a really important source of food for many many different animals (like other bugs and even bats). So I respect them… but I still dislike them.
