Asked by elizabeth marie to Sharron K, Kirsty R, Courtney P on 14 Mar 2024.
Kirsty Ross answered on 14 Mar 2024:
I have been a science teacher before, during my gap year. It is something that I would consider doing in primary or secondary school, but I’m rather enjoying being a science teacher at a university at the moment.
Sharron Kenny answered on 15 Mar 2024:
probably not. as i enjoy the research side of science so much
Courtney Povey answered on 18 Mar 2024:
Yes, I think I would like to teach science and it is something I plan to do in future alongside my research
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Michael C commented on :
I currently teach science as a lecturer, so I think it would be interesting. However, my sister and her husband are both teachers (one primary and one secondary) and I know that it is an incredibly hard job!