• Question: Why did you decide to work in cancer research?

    Asked by murr1met on 22 Mar 2024.
    • Photo: Hayley Pincott

      Hayley Pincott answered on 22 Mar 2024:

      I look at human tissue under the microscope to see if that person has cancer. If they do and decide to have surgery I then get the cancer that’s been removed to see if the surgeons have removed all the cancer.

    • Photo: Lisa Russell

      Lisa Russell answered on 25 Mar 2024:

      I decided to work in cancer research for personal reasons. My grandmother died at the age of 34 of breast cancer. My grandad died of bowel and lung cancer and my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he was 59. However, my Dad is a cancer survivor. I believe this is due to cancer research and the new knowledge that we have gained. I wanted to be involved in the next wave of new cancer knowledge and I am so glad I decided to be part of it.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 25 Mar 2024:

      I was exposed to cancer research when I was in University doing my final year project. That’s when I knew I wanted to be a scientist/researcher but specifically in cancer as it is a horrible disease that affects people regardless of where you live in the world

    • Photo: Sophie Shaw

      Sophie Shaw answered on 30 Apr 2024:

      It wasn’t really a decision for me! I wanted to work as a bioinformatician in the NHS, and a part of this involves working with cancer samples and with cancer research.

    • Photo: Lauren Mc Connell

      Lauren Mc Connell answered on 1 May 2024:

      I was introduced to cancer research through my university degree in Biomedical Science. I did a placement in a colorectal cancer research lab and loved it! When I graduated, I moved to San Francisco for a year and volunteered in a cancer research lab there before returning to Belfast for a PhD in cancer research and diagnostics. I still work in cancer, but have progressed now to molecular diagnostics in the NHS
