• Question: when you ere younger if you had 3 wishes what would they be

    Asked by anon-406728 on 11 Jul 2024.
    • Photo: Rouzana Pulikkal Thumbayil

      Rouzana Pulikkal Thumbayil answered on 11 Jul 2024:

      Travel around the world, drive my own car and eat unlimited amount of ice-cream

    • Photo: Kareen Macleod

      Kareen Macleod answered on 11 Jul 2024:

      When I was very young, in primary school, I remember wishing I could live past the year 2000. This was in the 1980s, when the 2000s seemed so far away and exciting. So that wish has come true! I also wished for a cat, which too has come true. I also used to wish for everyone in the world just to be happy and that one seems a bit trickier!

    • Photo: Alexander De Bruin

      Alexander De Bruin answered on 16 Jul 2024:

      If I went back in time and could wish for things to be different in my life it would be:
      1) Start singing sooner
      2) Start rock climbing sooner
      3) Get my ADHD diagnosis much sooner!

    • Photo: Heather Walton

      Heather Walton answered on 17 Jul 2024:

      Depends on how young, but if we go with teenager:
      1. To travel around the world
      2. To get fit
      3. To not have to sleep so I had time to do more

    • Photo: Graeme Dykes

      Graeme Dykes answered on 22 Jul 2024:

      I would wish:
      to have the ability to communicate my ideas clearly,
      to solve problems using solutions which no one has considered
      to have people treat me fairly
