Martin McCoustra answered on 26 Apr 2024:
One of my favourite little stories is that as a post-doctoral research assistant, I was looking for a job abroad and contacted a Nobel Prize winner. He sent me a message saying he didn’t have anything and I thought that was that. A couple of months later, he got in touch and offered me a position. However, by that time, I had fixed something up and had to turn him down. So I have the unique highlight in my career of turning down a job with a Nobel Prize winner. Interestingly, I met him a few year later at a conference and he remembered and said that I’d done well for myself!
Rebecca von Hellfeld answered on 3 May 2024:
I think for me it was attending the Marine Forum last year. Its a small event put on in Scotland for all people interested in marine science. I hadnt gone before and I think I have never been in a room with so many interesting people who are equally excited about marine stuff as I am. Most people dont work in science in their jobs and volunteer or are just interested, so it was even cooler to find out what background everyone has and how much dedication they had for the ocean. I genuinely went away from that event feeling like me work actually has the potential to make a difference and to excite others.
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