Asked by gate1sewn to Michael S on 6 Jun 2024.
Michael Schubert answered on 6 Jun 2024:
My favourite dinosaur is Protoceratops. (There are two species of Protoceratops, but my favourite is Protoceratops andrewsi, the smaller one.)
I like it because it was small and probably quite a gentle animal, it had some interesting characteristics (like that it laid soft-shelled eggs, which was rare in dinosaurs, and that it had a tall, flat tail that we still don’t understand yet), and because it makes me laugh that it’s in the “horned dinosaur” family, like Triceratops, but it didn’t really have any horns (just a sort of almost-horn on its nose)!
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Kirsty R commented on :
My favourite dinosaur is Maiasaurus peeblesorum. It was the first species found to have parent and child behaviour, as an adult was found very close to a nest full of young and unhatched eggs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maiasaura