• Question: what is the most remote place you have worked

    Asked by tf on 24 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Samet Sahin

      Samet Sahin answered on 24 Jun 2024:

      Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky enough to work cool remote working environment. The most remote would be my family village in Ordu, Turkey.

    • Photo: Ryan D

      Ryan D answered on 25 Jun 2024:

      The Falkland Islands – 8,000 miles away from the UK, off the coast of South America.

      I spent 5 months looking after and fixing fighter jets that the Royal Air Force fly there. One of the coolest experiences I had was spending a day walking around some of the most incredible beaches I’ve ever seen. Not just because of the beautiful white sand and crystal clear water, but the MILLION wild penguins that nest there every year. It was such a weird but very cool experience!

    • Photo: Pete Webb

      Pete Webb answered on 25 Jun 2024:

      Northern Kenya, miles from the nearest road, accessible only on foot with camping gear loaded onto donkeys.

    • Photo: David Bremner

      David Bremner answered on 1 Jul 2024:

      I had to go across to a village in Northern France for a week to help set up a new method they wanted to use.

    • Photo: Sandra Robertson

      Sandra Robertson answered on 11 Jul 2024:

      Sadly I haven’t been anywhere remote for work…yet. The furthest I have travelled for work was over to a conference in Germany, but most of my work trips have been in the UK. I have either been employed by a company based in Aberdeen or in Dundee in Scotland throughout my working career.
