• Question: What is quantum phisics?

    Asked by anon-404442 on 3 Jul 2024.
    • Photo: Amin Kassab-Bachi

      Amin Kassab-Bachi answered on 3 Jul 2024: last edited 3 Jul 2024 10:27 am

      As you know, matter is made out of atoms and the atoms are made out of very small components we call sub-atomic particles. Quantum physics is a type of physics that creates theories about the physical behaviour of matter on a sub-atomic level. This is opposed to what’s known as classic physics, which deals with the physical attributes and behaviour of materials from the atomic level and above (atoms, molecules, latices, crystals, bodies, structures, etc.)
      The difference between the two types, is that subatomic behaviour depends quite a bit on chance, otherwise known as probability, as opposed to what’s known as a deterministic behaviour of atomic structures.

    • Photo: Amber Villegas - Williamson

      Amber Villegas - Williamson answered on 3 Jul 2024:

      Amin has answered this question but I have found an excellent YouTube video
