• Question: what does your eye contain to allow you to see through it?

    Asked by push1want to Ester, carolinamendes on 31 May 2024.
    • Photo: Ester Reina-Torres

      Ester Reina-Torres answered on 31 May 2024:

      Excellent question! For us to see, the light has to cross the whole eye, coming in through the cornea to reach the retina at the back, so all tissues in that path need to be transparent. Those being the cornea (at the surface), then the anterior chamber, which is full of aqueous humour – a fluid similar to blood but transparent, next the light crosses through the pupil to the lens and vitreous until it reaches the photoreceptors in the retina. Photoreceptors then convert light to electric signals that the optic nerve sends to the brain to produce an image – a bit like a camera!
