• Question: what are the resins that help broken bones

    Asked by away1shwa to Bernice on 20 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Bernice Ridley

      Bernice Ridley answered on 20 Jun 2024:

      Hi, the resins don’t mend broken bones, it’s your oocytes (isn’t that a fab word!) that do that, the bone cells that are made in your bone marrow. The resins are used on a bandage that you wrap around the broken limb and it sets hard, it’s a reaction with water so the bandages are dipped in water and then quickly wrapped around the limb to immobilise it. The reaction is exothermic but not too bad, it’ll only feel a little warm. The orthopaedic splinting bandages are much lighter than plaster of pairs, so it is great for children or when the fracture is healing. The resin used is an isocyanate with a nitrogen-carbon-oxygen group with double bonds, which I think is cool!
