Asked by read1want to Ryan, Georgia L on 9 May 2024.
Georgia Lambert answered on 9 May 2024:
It has been pretty fun! I love working with the beetles I am studying, I have made some great friends and I get to do lots of cool extra activities like taking part in ‘I’m a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here!’ which I have really enjoyed. I will say I do see a PhD as a job though and like any job it has had ups and downs. It can get quite frustrating when you get stuck on something and it can feel a little lonely because you are the only person studying exactly what you are studying. BUT there has definitely been more good than bad and I am happy I chose to do it 👩🔬
Ryan Durnall answered on 27 Jun 2024:
I didn’t do a PhD.
I joined the RAF with GCSE’s and did an apprenticeship – which is a great way to get into STEM without going to university.
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