• Question: How do eyes work?

    Asked by EmilyC to Victoria, rachaelegg, Philippa H, gwendolynkirschner, Anna S, Alice, alejandroallo, alankoh on 10 Jul 2024.
    • Photo: Philippa Harding

      Philippa Harding answered on 10 Jul 2024:

      One of the cool things about eyes are that there are so many different types! But human eyes work by light coming in the front of your eye, through the hole at the front called your pupil. The colourful part of your eye, the iris, allows your pupil to get bigger/smaller in dim/bright light. Once the light enters your eyeball, it hits the cells at the back of your eye, called the retina, which has the cells which can make light turn into a picture. You have different cone-shaped cells called cones which detect different colours. Then the cells send an electric signal to your brain, so you can process the picture.
