• Question: Does anybody know the lifestyle of a fly

    Asked by anon-379622 to Georgia L, Callum T on 6 Feb 2024.
    • Photo: Georgia Lambert

      Georgia Lambert answered on 6 Feb 2024:

      There are lots of different species of fly (beeflies are probably my favourite, they are so fluffy) so there are probably a few slightly different answers to this question. But generally flies will lay lots of tiny eggs often on a food source, the eggs will hatch into larvae, there are three stages of larvae (called instars) and the larvae normally get bigger and moult between stages, then they go through a pre-pupa stage when they stop feeding and start tansforming into a pupa, as a pupa the larvae turns into an adult fly, then the adult fly will emerge, mate and start laying eggs so the cycle goes back to the beginning! 🦟
