• Question: Do you think people are too trusting of cloud-based systems, when there are so many ways that people with bad intentions could misuse their information?

    Asked by Ryan to Amber VW on 7 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Amber Villegas - Williamson

      Amber Villegas - Williamson answered on 7 Jun 2024:

      Excellent question. I think people are too trusting to some extent with cloud-based systems because they don’t really understand what “Cloud” actually is.
      If you store you family photos for example on a hard drive that’s equivalent of storing on “the cloud” except you are in control of where you store the hard drive, what condition it’s kept it, what the environment is like where it is stored…ie you are in control. With “Cloud” you are giving your pictures to be stored but you don’t know which storage device, where that device is kept, how that device is managed etc….so you have no physical control of your data.
      Whilst the cloud is very useful as a back-up it’s probably a good idea to have some control over where important information / memories are kept.

      The Cloud however can be very very helpful for businesses.

      Below are some useful YouTube links to videos explaining more
