• Question: what jobs use ai the most?

    Asked by violet on 10 Jun 2024.
    • Photo: Neil Barnby

      Neil Barnby answered on 10 Jun 2024:

      That’s is quite a difficult question to answer, but I would say that the jobs that would use AI the most would probably be ones that are not involved in the development of AI. As a guess I would say it is probably the advertising/marketing industry. They use AI a lot to help them spot target markets. This would include such things as suggesting products to you on apps of all kinds and on search engines.

    • Photo: John Easton

      John Easton answered on 27 Jun 2024:

      I think that the real question here is what jobs use AI the most, today? We know that this will change over time as AI systems get better and as they get applied to more areas of business? Right now, a lot of the use in AI and LLMs is around processing text. That could be anything that involves interpreting documentation, answering questions about that text. You also see AI being used to identify patterns in data, whether that is in text, in images, in video, in audio etc. As such, any jobs that involve these tasks might use AI today. You will also see things that are more creative, for example programming tasks, where AI is being used today. Going forward, AI will get applied to different problem spaces by training the models that the AI system use on different sets of data which will make it applicable to more job roles.
