• Question: will ai take over the world

    Asked by Scrimmi on 31 May 2024. This question was also asked by rung1dote, stay1jazz.
    • Photo: Fran Biggin

      Fran Biggin answered on 31 May 2024:

      It’s very difficult to predict the future, so like a good statistician, I won’t say there’s no chance that AI will take over the world, but I will say that I think it’s highly unlikely. The AI that you see depicted in movies and tv shows that has developed its own consciousness just doesn’t exist in our society. AI is bounded by the rules humans have imposed on it and, although AI algorithms can learn, they can’t operate outside of what we have tasked then to do.

    • Photo: Tim Chapman

      Tim Chapman answered on 3 Jun 2024:

      The short answer is no, whilst it may be portrayed like this in the movies, in reality there will always be things that AI cannot do. It may well dominate the business world and be able to become clever enough to hack into power grids or financial systems but there’s nothing to worry about just yet!!

    • Photo: Kirsty Ross

      Kirsty Ross answered on 7 Jun 2024:

      AI is a technology that is in it’s very early days. We are still trying to work out the rules to guide the development of AI. This will be an ongoing discussion between those developing the tools and those looking to apply and use them. For example, I’d be perfectly happy if AI could manage my washing machine, dishwasher, lights, but I’d rather leave creative things like art and craft to the humans, not the other way around.

    • Photo: Ravindu Ranaweera

      Ravindu Ranaweera answered on 9 Jul 2024:

      Good question….It will take over the world but not like IN Terminator. Like the internet, I think it will become a integral part of our world. It will make our personal lives, work, safety, etc. much better and easier.
