Asked by fast499had on 30 Apr 2024. This question was also asked by that1sewn, MariamM.
Zoe Vance answered on 30 Apr 2024:
I don’t find the science I do day to day all that stressful really at any point, except maybe running really heavy software on shared servers – I have crashed a couple of servers over the years from missing something in my code and it’s always pretty embarrassing and risks other people losing work. But generally I find stuff that’s a bit more external like deadlines and presenting my work to people a lot more stressful than the actual science.
Alexander De Bruin answered on 18 Jun 2024:
I was least good at biology, because it involved lots of essays at school which I didn’t like doing.
As with Zoe, it’s more the surrounding pressures and deadlines that add stress than the science itself -
Michael Schubert answered on 27 Jun 2024:
I don’t think I find any science stressful! Some disciplines are more difficult for me personally than others, but that doesn’t make them stressful (unless I’m on a very short deadline – ha!). I agree with the other answers in that it’s things like paperwork, deadlines, insufficient grant funding, and so on that make some aspects of science stressful, never the science itself.
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DrBecks commented on :
For me it is definitely chemistry. I love it, and I find it fascinating. But I am not as good at it as I want to be, so I get stressed about having to teach myself basics to understand a new project and stuff like that. But I think its more of a “I dont want to get this wrong” stress, which means that over time it gets better and once I know my stuff, I get confident with my understanding.
Andrew M commented on :
Materials Science and fluid dynamics. We’re stressing samples constantly.
Lizie.g commented on :
i am annoyed when my experiments dont blow up
i want more boom booms