• Question: what part of the lab do you work at

    Asked by anon-381700 on 24 Jan 2024.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 24 Jan 2024:

      I run a research group and while I try to get into my labs as often as possible to help by research students and research assistants, my role is about managing the science and its direction. That means being there to talk with my team as they work to try and understand what they are seeing and how they should proceed.

      It’s also down to me to find the money we need to keep our work going!

    • Photo: Nathalie Oguntona

      Nathalie Oguntona answered on 24 Jan 2024:

      I don’t currently routinely work in a lab but when I do, it either for analytical chemistry or formulation development

    • Photo: Lauren Graham

      Lauren Graham answered on 24 Jan 2024:

      Analytical Inorganic Chemistry is the department I work in.

    • Photo: David O'Loughlin

      David O'Loughlin answered on 25 Jan 2024:

      I work in a research lab in a university! Some days I’m in the lab itself working on an experiment I have running, other days I work at my computer analysing results or making graphs

    • Photo: Erin Pallott

      Erin Pallott answered on 25 Jan 2024:

      I work in what we call “basic science/biology”. This means I look into how biological systems work. This work forms a starting point for other researchers to think about how to cure diseases, or how it works in humans.

    • Photo: David Bremner

      David Bremner answered on 25 Jan 2024:

      I work with people looking at what they eat and how it impacts on their health. I collect samples from them (Blood, Urine and other things that i don’t really talk about!) and then put them for analysis to get results. I’m responsible for the samples but also any or all equipment that we use while we are doing that.

    • Photo: Emma Weir

      Emma Weir answered on 25 Jan 2024:

      I work in a cell and molecular biology lab. This means we have an area where we grow and look after cells, which has to be completely sterile (no bacteria or viruses). And we have lab benches to do experiments on the cells to see how they behave, what they look like and what changes as they grow.

    • Photo: Georgia Lambert

      Georgia Lambert answered on 26 Jan 2024:

      I work in a lab studying beetle behaviour. In my lab there are about 1000 beetles all of which need feeding and generally looking after! I spend a lot of time cutting up food for them and washing up after them as well as doing my research so it is kind of like having lots of small pets 🐞

      I also spend about half of my time in an office writing up my research into papers to go into journals (kind of like a scientific magazine) or analysing my data on a computer.

    • Photo: Lisa Humphreys

      Lisa Humphreys answered on 27 Jan 2024:

      Outside of teaching I typically work in a lab mixing various different ingredients to see how it changes the overall performance and safety characteristics. I use the thermal analysis lab quite a bit.

      I’m lucky in the job that I do that I can access lots of different types of labs. I’m often in our teaching labs supporting our amazing technical team with our students reinforcing the value of the practicals that they are doing and discussing how they relate to the lectures they’ve been taught in the classrooms.

    • Photo: Kirsty Ross

      Kirsty Ross answered on 31 Jan 2024:

      I don’t. My lab is my desk, my laptop, and me.

    • Photo: Hannah Fawcett

      Hannah Fawcett answered on 6 Feb 2024:

      Lots of scientists don’t work in labs! I work at a university and my research is carried out in the community and in meeting rooms, as well as online! Psychology is a very applied and sociable science.

    • Photo: Margaret Laurie

      Margaret Laurie answered on 9 Feb 2024:

      I deliberately work outside a lab – mostly to understand playful learning in schools, libraries, museums, and other places. It’s very “reality” based research which I think is very important for supporting good practices in these types of environments. When I did work in a lab, it was mostly computer-based experiments looking at different cognitive processes and behaviours in people.
