From 2024 we are no longer running zones. However our web platform needs us to create a sub-domain in which to run the activity. We discussed what sub-domain to use. 2024? Elements (again)? Scientist names?
In the end we decided to honour the people we value the most. Teachers.
Teachers place an enormous amount of trust in us, and in the scientists we put in front of the students. They trust the technology will work. They trust the scientists will turn up and that they will be of interest to their students. They trust us with their students.

Alison Ackroyd is a Lecturer at Mid-Kent College and has been using our project since 2012. She has always been swift to give us feedback when requested. She’s always willing to try new ways to interest her BTEC and T-Level students in STEM. She’s one of those educators who is outward looking, always working to improve the sector. She is an inspiration to us.
So that is why the URL is ackroyd.imascientist.org.uk.